• APSX-FD Fire Rated Air Pressure Stabiliser in Operating Theatre
  • air pressure vents APSX Air Pressure Stabiliser in isolation rooms

Application of Differential Air Pressure

Established solution for contamination control

Air pressure stabilisers facilitate the application of differential air pressure within hospital isolation rooms and operating theatres. The use of air pressure stabilisers provides a well-established solution for contamination control.

Biomaster antimicrobial protection supplied on Apreco healthcare and clean room products
Made In Britain


Hospitals around the globe employ air pressure stabilisers to protect patients and staff from the ingress of infectious agents, dust, and bacteria by providing an invisible barrier of positive pressure when doors within these rooms are opened. This is a well-established principle of hygiene and infection control that is championed and used over the world. This system can also be employed in Isolation Rooms, Aseptic Suites, Endoscopy suites, Pharmacies, Cardiac Catheter Laboratories, Sterile Services Departments, Interventional Radiology Suites, CAT 3 Laboratories, and other specialist areas that may require infectious control.

Operating Theatre Suites (HTM 03-01)

Air Pressure Stabilisers in Operating Theatres are a critical defence against airborne contamination. Operating Theatre rooms emply positive pressure ventilation lobbies when designed in accordance with HTM 03-01 that work in tandem with Air Pressure Stabilisers. This accurately controls and maintains differential pressures between adjoining rooms. Cascade ventilation ensures the flow of air moves one way only, cascading from the cleanest (most sterile) area within a suite, down into the various rooms, and finally out to the assigned dirty area. When the doors between adjoining rooms are closed, Apreco’s VARI-centric Air Pressure Stabiliser opens to allow the air to cascade through to the next area. operating room positive pressure

When the door is open, Apreco’s VARI-centric Air Pressure Stabiliser closes, pushing the air through the open door. This creates an invisible barrier of air through the doorway; stopping unwanted particles from passing through into the next room. As the airflow is constantly maintained, any unwanted particles (if present) will move down the system making their way safely away from the patients and staff.

Air Pressure Stabilisers

Isolation Rooms / Suites (HBN4 supplement 1)

When following the guidelines of HBN4 Supplement 1: Isolation facilities; Apreco’s VARI-centric Air Pressure Stabilisers are utilised to accurately maintain the positive pressure ventilated lobby (PPVL) room ensuring that air from the corridor does not enter the isolation room and that air from the room does not escape into the corridor.

This simple but effective design enables the suite to be used for both source and protective isolation without the need for switchable ventilation or special training for staff.

Importantly it also provides safe isolation for those patients whose exact condition is unknown.

Air Pressure Stabilisers

Sterile Services Department (HBN 13)

Apreco’s VARI-centric Air Pressure Stabilisers are an ideal way of providing the pressure differential between areas within the SSD facility.

The IAP room is Class 8 classified as detailed in BS EN ISO 14644. It should have 20 air changes per hour with a pressure differential of no less than 10Pa between the IAP room and adjoining rooms. HBN 13 refers to pressure relief dampers to move air to adjacent areas.

However, Apreco would not offer pressure relief dampers/vents for this application as they are not suitable due to their linear flow/differential characteristic which, is more suitable to pressure relief applications.

Air Pressure Stabilisers

Air Pressure Stabilisers

The VARI-Centric® range of Air Pressure Stabilisers featuring the Easi-release™ blade system are continuously safe-guarding and protecting hospital patients and staff from the transfer of airborne contamination around the globe.

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Apreco Air Pressure Stabiliser

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